Wellness to Thrive
94 in stock
Price: £11.50
Learning to cherish so we can live life from overflow can be hard to do in isolation. The unpredictable nature of life means that many of us can find ourselves living in overdraft, spiritually, emotionally and physically, no matter how great our good intentions.
Wellness To Thrive is based on the book Soul Care by Tina Hodges. The course is designed to help implement loving strategies of self-care so that no matter what we have been through or currently face, we can overcome and learn to thrive, not just survive.
It is suitable for individuals, couples or groups (e.g. home groups) as a stand-alone course or it can be used for special times of the year e.g. Advent or Lent as there is both a 6 week and 4 week course contained within the pages, complete with worksheets and details of a bonus download Cherishing Questionnaire.
The sessions can be run alongside hospitality outreach (with a friendship meal, desserts or nice biscuits) or as online meetings.
We trust Wellness To Thrive blesses you and you become strengthened to thrive, not just survive.